Grill or net sign on Mount of Jupiter or below index finger indicates that the bearer is boastful, wretched, rogue and characterless.
Grill or net sign on Mount of Saturn or below long finger indicates that the bearer is poor, luckless and disappointed.
Grill or net sign on Mount of Sun or below ring finger indicates that the bearer is boastful and untrustworthy.
Grill or net sign on Mount of Mercury or below little or pinky finger indicates that the bearer is absurd, dishonest and have unstable mind
Grill or net sign on Mount of Mars indicates sudden death.
Grill or net sign on Mount of Moon indicates that the bearer will always have disturbed mind and will always be unsatisfied.
Grill or net sign on Mount of Venus indicates that the bearer is extremely erotic.
Grill or net sign on upper middle part of palm is the indication of bad luck.
Grill or net sign on lower middle part of palm always have bad effect.